How to Download and Use Bezier Surface Plugin for SketchUp
How to Download and Use Bezier Surface Plugin for SketchUp
If you are looking for a way to create and edit smooth surfaces in SketchUp, you might want to try the Bezier Surface plugin. This plugin allows you to draw and manipulate bezier patches, which are a type of parametric surface that can represent complex shapes with a few control points. In this article, we will show you how to download and use the Bezier Surface plugin for SketchUp.
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How to Download Bezier Surface Plugin for SketchUp
The Bezier Surface plugin is developed by ThomThom, a well-known SketchUp plugin author. You can download it from the SketchUcation PluginStore[^1^] [^2^], which is a website that hosts hundreds of SketchUp extensions and plugins. To download the Bezier Surface plugin, you need to register and log in to the SketchUcation website. Then, you can follow these steps:
Go to the PluginStore page of the Bezier Surface plugin[^1^] [^2^].
Click on the "Download" button at the top right corner of the page.
Save the file "tt_bezier_surface.rbz" to your computer.
Open SketchUp and go to Window > Extension Manager.
Click on the "Install Extension" button at the bottom left corner of the window.
Select the file "tt_bezier_surface.rbz" and click "Open".
Click "Yes" to confirm the installation.
Restart SketchUp to activate the plugin.
Note that the Bezier Surface plugin requires another plugin called TT_Lib2[^1^] [^2^], which is a library of shared functions used by many of ThomThom's plugins. If you don't have TT_Lib2 installed, you will be prompted to install it when you install the Bezier Surface plugin. Just follow the same steps as above to install TT_Lib2.
How to Use Bezier Surface Plugin for SketchUp
Once you have installed the Bezier Surface plugin, you can access it from the Tools menu or from the toolbar icon. The plugin has two main functions: Draw Bezier Patch and Edit Bezier Patch.
Draw Bezier Patch
This function allows you to draw a bezier patch by defining four corner points and four edge curves. To use this function, follow these steps:
Select the Draw Bezier Patch tool from the Tools menu or from the toolbar icon.
Click on four points in the model space to define the corners of the patch. You can also use existing geometry as snap points.
Click on four curves in the model space to define the edges of the patch. You can also use existing geometry as snap curves. The curves should be connected to the corner points and form a closed loop.
The bezier patch will be created automatically and added to your model.
You can adjust the number of segments and degree of smoothness of the patch by using the VCB (value control box) at the bottom right corner of the screen. You can also change these settings later by using the Edit Bezier Patch function.
Edit Bezier Patch
This function allows you to modify an existing bezier patch by moving or adding control points. To use this function, follow these steps:
Select the Edit Bezier Patch tool from the Tools menu or from the toolbar icon.
Select a bezier patch in your model. You will see a grid of control points on the patch surface.
Click and drag any control point to move it. You can also use modifier keys such as Shift, Ctrl, Alt, or Cmd to change how the control point affects the patch shape.
To add a new control point, double-click on an edge or face of the patch. A new control point will be inserted at that location.
To delete a control point, right-click on it and choose "Delete Control Point" from the context menu.
You can also adjust the number of segments and degree of smoothness of the patch by using the VCB (value control box 29c81ba772